[Singapore - Japan]
"Issues around E-government and E-commerce in Singapore
and Japan"
AEN Conference 2002 [年度:2002]
[用途分類:動向調査] [製作者:シンガポール、日本]
The University of Tokyo / National
Institute of Multimedia Education(NIME) / Nanyang Technological
University (NTU) Supported by IBM Japan, Ltd. |

英語 |
Singapore Country
Report [年度:2002] [用途分類:動向調査]
[製作者:シンガポール] |

英語 |
[Thailand - Japan]
"Synchronous and Asynchronous Distance Education of Graduate
Programs between AIT and Tokyo Tech."
AEN Conference 2002 [年度:2002]
[用途分類:動向調査] [製作者:タイ、日本]
Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech)
/ National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA)
/ Asian Institute of Tecnology (AIT) Supported by Hitachi Electronics
Services Co., Ltd. |

英語 |
Thailand Country
Report [年度:2002] [用途分類:動向調査]
[製作者:タイ] |

英語 |
[Vietnam - Japan]
"Network Campus Initiative for Asia e-Learning"
AEN Conference 2002 [年度:2002]
[用途分類:動向調査] [製作者:ベトナム、日本]
Keio University / Hanoi University of Technology
/ Vietnam National University Supported by Hitachi, Ltd. |

英語 |
Vietnam Country
Report [年度:2002] [用途分類:動向調査]
[製作者:ベトナム] |

英語 |
Opening remarks
2002 AEN conference [年度:2002]
[用途分類:その他] [ 製作者:AEN事務局]
(Takashi Sakamoto, Chairman, AEN Promotion
Committee) |

英語 |
Reporting AEN Establishment"
AEN Conference 2002
[年度:2002] [用途分類:その他]
(Shuichi Tashiro, Director for Asia e-Learning,

英語 |
Keynote Address "Trends
of International standard on e-Learning"
AEN Conference 2002 [年度:2002]
[用途分類:その他] [製作者:AEN事務局]
(Ed Walker, CEO, IMS Global Learning Consortium
Inc.) (Kiyoshi Nakabayashi, Deputy Director, ALIC) |

英語 |

英語 |
and Promotion of e-Learning in Asia"
AEN Conference 2002 [年度:2002]
[用途分類:その他] [製作者:AEN事務局]
(Atsutoshi Oshima, Deputy Director & AEN
Coordinator, ALIC) |

英語 |
e-learning and in-house development of contents"
AEN Conference 2002 [年度:2002]
[用途分類:その他] [製作者:AEN事務局]
(Masahiro Mizutani, Manager, Seiko
Epson) |

英語 |